Sunday, March 04, 2007

In Response

My boyfriend seemed to have made the story about us at the gas station a lot worst than it really was. Here was how I saw the events unfolding.

He claims that he paid for mostly everything this weekend, but I offered every single time to pay. Now on to the gas station. I thought that he would be the gentleman and pump the gas for the lady. But I was mistaken. I do admit (now) that it really doesn't matter who pumps the gas as long as the gas is pumping. I did it anyways just so he would shut up. I asked for some money to pay for the gas and he wanted me to do it. I know I know, it's my car I should pay for the gas myself, but it was the way it came across to me. He gave me the money for the gas. Then he had the nerve to get out of the car to go inside to get some food! All this time arguing, he went inside anyways! I did accidentally pump a little more than he gave me but I was already pissed off so I just kept pumping until he came back out. And it was about $7 more and not $10.

That argument was really small but it just got out of control. We ended up laughing about it later on. He's reading this now laughing.

Hey you, bastard, I noticed you said on your post that you would usually pump the gas but just wanted to see how far I would take it. Now if I inserted my foot up your ass, how far would you take it?

love and more love
beyond me


ysfb said...

Couldn't be any deeper or longer than the umbilical cord you have attached to your parents. OOOHHHHHH BURN!!!!!!! Somebody grab some water, this girl's on fire!!!!!

Kate Michele said...

Damn Dude....

kimmyk said...

That was a little harsh don'tcha think YSB?

BM if someone said something like that to me y'know what I would do? In circumstances such as this I like to do what I call the "NO SEX FOR YOU" game. He'll not only pump your gas but he'll wash your car too. Even vacuum it. Trust me.

Shelli said...

You two are the fucking best. I luvit! I think he woulda taken your foot, all the way...and possibly he mighta liked it! LMFAO

Beyond Me said...

he knows who wears the pants here. if i tell him to wear a skirt, he'll ask me what color. and i'm thinking bright neon pink to match the lipstick he's going to wear with it.

Shelli said...

can you make him wear fish nets and break out the camera? i'm betting your blogworld friends would love for you to share.

Beyond Me said...

the thought has crossed my mine. i'd have to wait until he's too drunk to do anything.