Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I Can Smell The Air

Our home away from home will be in a RV next week. I'll let my hair down and stick my head out the window and feel the air blow against my face. I will find new life in happiness. I will have fun.

Until then, my boyfriend is getting over the effects of this past weekends hangover. I managed to just get buzzed and not drunk. I don't think he's learned his lesson. Once he's fully recovered he'll probably do it again.

Have a great day everybody, and smell the air!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


We are having a party here tonight. We forgot the drinks so they are out getting some. Until then Im squeezing one small post in before it starts.

Thats it.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Such a Dork

I just uploaded all the Backstreet Boys CD's on my iPod.

I'm going on a trip next month with my boyfriend and his brother and his brother's girlfriend. We will be an RV or something going across the nation. It's something I think everybody wants to do but never get a chance to do. We'll get to see all these places and meet all sorts of people. At first I was a little skeptical about the whole thing. I couldn't imagine putting my life on hold and just going on a trip like that. Something like that takes will take a lot out of you. But now as we get closer to that day I feel a little bit of anticipation for it. I know it's going to be a blast.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Do you guys remember the homeless friend I was talking about early last year? If not just click on the title for the details.

I was praying that this guy will have a better life. I've been seeing him about once a week now. Sorry I haven't kept everybody updated on him. He owns his own deli now. He's engaged and happy.

I didn't want to bring up his deceased wife but I did still wonder if he still visited her . . . luckily he brought it up. He still visits her. I cried again. This guy is so romantic and so kind. It was upsetting to know that he worked all his life and was happily married once and then once she died his life started crumbling down. I'm so glad that he's still ok and happy.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Très Beau

Je m’éveillai, c’était la maison natale,
L’écume s’abattait sur le rocher,
Pas un oiseau, le vent seul à ouvrir et fermer la vague,
L’odeur de l’horizon de toutes parts,
Cendre, comme si les collines cachaient un feu
Qui ailleurs consumait un univers.
Je passai dans la véranda, la table était mise,
L’eau frappait les pieds de la table, le buffet.
Il fallait qu’elle entrât pourtant, la sans-visage
Que je savais qui secouait la porte
Du couloir, du côté de l’escalier sombre, mais en vain,
Si haute était déjà l’eau dans la salle.
Je tournais la poignée, qui résistait,
J’entendais presque les rumeurs de l’autre rive,
Ces rires des enfants dans l’herbe haute,
Ces jeux des autres, à jamais les autres, dans leur joie.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Yves Bonnefoy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I woke up, it was the house where I was born,
Sea foam splashed against the rock,
Not a single bird, only the wind to open and close the wave,
Everywhere on the horizon the smell of ashes,
As if the hills were hiding a fire
That somewhere else was burning up a universe.
I went onto the veranda, the table was set,
The water knocked against the legs of the table, the sideboard.
And yet she had to come in, the faceless one,
The one I knew was shaking the door
In the hall, near the darkened staircase, but in vain,
So high had the water already risen in the room.
I took the handle, it was hard to turn,
I could almost hear the noises of the other shore,
The laughter of the children playing in the tall grass,
The games of the others, always the others, in their joy.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Extracurricular Activities

I'm learning how to pole dance. Is it that difficult we have to have a class to dance on a pole? I guess so. It'll be fun. I'll demonstrate my lessons on my boyfriend each day.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I hate my boyfriend! He knows my fear of snakes and he insisted pranking me this morning after I told him I not the one. He got a fake snake and stuffed an operating dildo inside it and threw it under my sheet! I woke up with some familiar noise under the sheet, and something touching my leg. I pulled the sheet down and saw the snake moving! I nearly broke my neck trying to get out of the bed running out the door! Finding my boyfriend and his brother laughing in the corner! I'm sooo pissed!

Now I have something planned for him tonight. I'm thinking something "dildo" and "probing" and tied to the bed.

Then we have what happened friday night. We were a little tipsy and not thinking clearly. I was thinking just clear enough to not get naked. My boyfriend and his friends and brother decided to get naked and streak in this neighborhood. Mighty fine asses as they ran. It was funny as they were running having fun laughing and shouting and then running back shouting in terror. A cop was in the neighborhood chasing after them.

My friend started the car and was going to leave them. Tempted to leave them but I couldn't. We told them to hurry up. I knew some of them weren't with them but we had to leave them. I very humorous addition to my diary for that day. Naked guys running towards me as we all tried to escape the cops. Mom and Dad would be so proud. We got the others at sometime and went back home after we had to change cars. What a weekend. We need to have more of these.