Sunday, May 07, 2006

Just An Update, Nothing Serious

The whole changing my hair color didn't last long. I changed it back a few days later. My boyfriend and I had a "disagreement" about eating behind one another. He wrote his version of the story on his blog but the way I see it is that I didn't not ask him to eat it. He grabbed it himself and ate it. Then he had the nerve to blow his breath at me when I wrote the note on his breakfast that I might've wiped my ass with the food. I guess I took it a little too far.

Our dog, well my dog came back yesterday. My little pupsy was kidnapped. I had to prove to the parents it was my dog with pictures. I was getting my dog back one way or the other, sorry kid. As soon as the dog got back and went after my boyfriend's hat and basically destroyed it. I threw it away to hide it from him since he was looking for it. It's about time I came clean anyway.

My friend's wedding is coming up next month and she upgraded me to a bridesmaid. She actually sent us all letters for us to be flower girls and she recorded all our messages to play at the wedding. The whore. Can't wait to be there!

I guess that's all that's going on in my life. See ya!


ysfb said...

You should've let the kid keep the dog. But don't worry, the little dog and I had fun with one of your shirts today. It was splendid!

ysfb said...


Beyond Me said...

The dog is mine all mine. I'll hold it hostage if I have too!