Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Wedding

Well this weekend I'm going to "The Wedding". I don't know if I blogged it earlier but I'll tell it again. My friend is getting married and she called me to be the flower girl. I'm in my twenties therefore I believe I'm too old. It turned out to be a pranked and she recorded all the bridesmaids conversation to play at the wedding as a joke.

Well the wedding is coming up this weekend. We've been through so many rehearsals that I can't stand anymore. We are wearing this light pink dress with a pink flower in our hair. It's going to be Hawaiian themed except it will be in New Jersey. If you close your eyes and hold your breath it could be?

It's gonna last the entire weekend. I'm trying to get my boyfriend to go but he's anti happy people so I'm dragging him along anyways. He left town yesterday to hang out with an old friend for awhile. Normally I would get really ticked off if a boyfriend told me that but I know he's not going to try anything. But he better be back by Thursday afternoon or else.


Beyond Me said...

he came back early thursday night a little hungover with a friend who is staying here for a couple of days. i didn't know that but that is ok.........yep, ok.

ysfb said...

mom can i bring my friend over? i promise we'll try not to wake you.

and i'm rarely hungover. i just tend to sleep it off so nobody will know it.